Sunday, February 16, 2014

I had enjoyed ma days along with
akka, mama, sv and sanju. I was like
i forgot everything. That much
happiness did linked us together.
After came here, i was like i left all
alone. What to do, time makes us to
run behind money. I'm also not
exception in it. We shared each of us
life. We had so much to talk, we did
too. Though i felt like some
unspoken words are lying depth of
my heart. I don't understand what it
was. I've spoken all the things
happened in my life with sanju
alone. He got angry on me and he
was like unai enadi panna, i did warn
yu know, then why are yu doing all
such unwanted things. Don't yu
trust ur dad. I just smiled. Sirichu
samaalikkathe, tell me proper answer
asked by sanju. I told him, its not like
that. The guy who coming into my
life should love only myself. I really
hate if love comes only for money
and appearance. I don't need such a
love. So that i've done
everything. Now i understood its
really hard to find such a one. I wont
allow love to come in my doorstep.
Now all the doors were closed yu
know, i replied him. He was like still
he had angry on me, i judged like it
wont decrease now, so let me leave
that place. I also moved leaving him
to be alone. Then upcoming days i
kept myself to be with anita ka. So
that i can escape from sanju's scold.
I actually thought to talk about our
friend's love on sanju. But our
conversation has moved on my life.
So i'm unable to talk further. I can't
forget these lovely days which we
celebrate like anything along with my
sanju, sv, mama, akka. I'm just
longing for those time. They all were
too close to me. I put order that they
all must come for our restaurant
opening. Waiting for it.

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